Let’s go beyond imagination
Our philosophy, action guidelines, and future vision are all important, but we created the slogan “Let’s go beyond imagination” as a simple, memorable message.
So whose imagination do we wish to go beyond? Going beyond the customer’s imagination can be achieved by firmly understanding the customer’s challenges and needs, and responding with knowledge, technology, and hospitality that exceeds expectations. As a result, you will grow, the people involved in your work will be happy, and KATO BUNMEISHA will also grow together.
Furthermore, go beyond your own imagination. Continue to be interested in new things and even when working on the same task multiple times, use better methods and more precise goals than before. Try new software and tools that you have never used before. You set your own limits. Let’s go beyond what you imagined yourself to be.
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atelier gray is a collaborative space where creators come together to shape ideas and products.
There are professionals in paper, ink, plate making, printing, and bookbinding.
We use our knowledge, technology, and experience to unleash new possibilities to shape the expression creators seek.
We invite you to build a co-creation atelier with us through our commitment to manufacturing.
About Us
110 years of supporting culture and education.
The company was founded in 1914 under the name “Bunmeisha Printing Works” to express our will to support civilization through printing. At the time, the company was founded out of a desire to create “accurate and beautiful” printed materials used in the insurance industry. Since then, we have manufactured many printed materials for the Ministry of Telecommunications, courts, universities, and other institutions. In the postwar period, our business with educational institutions and publishers of textbooks and reference books increased, and more than 110 years have passed since the company was founded. From typesetting to typesetting, DTP, and then to the age of digital content, …… While being caught in the wave of technological innovations in printing, we have been making history one step at a time, always pursuing the best way to meet the trust of our customers.
K-STAGE, 2-15-6 Kanda Misaki-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0061
Fumio Kato
Company name
50 million yen
Business description
Publishing printing, textbooks, study reference books, general books, periodicals, academic books, various dictionaries, art books, picture books, magazines and other commercial printing, catalogs, pamphlets, posters and other creatives, various planning, graphic design, editorial, illustration, comic composition InDesign, MC-Smart, Edian, MS Office, TeX/LaTeX digital content planning and development, digital textbooks, educational content, e-books, web content in general, online entry systems, database construction, etc.
Number of employees
160 (as of October 2024)